Belts, Belt-Kits, Rollers, and Parts
100% OEM Equivalent. Our belts come from the same manufacturer that the OEM companies use. Beware of low cost, inferior belts from other online companies.
Below are most of the major brands of friction feeders. Brands like Streamfeeder and Straight Shooter also private label their feeders for other companies including, Rena, Neopost, Secap, MCS, Formax, and others. While you may not see your brand listed, it may be the same as another so please call us at 763-546-9078 if you don't see your brand below.

For customers outside of the USA and Canada, please visit our ebay store HERE
Output Technology, Inc. sells high quality aftermarket replacement parts. Contact us if you do not see what you need. Designated trademarks, brand names and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.